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Alfredo dos Santos Soares
Alfredo dos Santos Soares
Nota biográfica
Alfredo dos Santos Soares, PhD, is associate professor at the Faculty of Law of the Comillas Pontifical University, in Madrid, Lecturer-Tutor in the Master's Degree Programs in International Development Cooperation and International Migration, at the University Institute of Migration Studies of the same University. Alfredo is also a Research Member affiliated with the Research Group on International Human Rights and Immigration and Asylum Law at the Comillas Ponfical University and research member (Collaborator) at the Centre for Research & Development on Law and Society (Centro de Investigação & Desenvolvimento sobre Direito e Sociedade - CEDIS), Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Alfredo also serves as a consultant on immigration and asylum law and policy.
Áreas de interesse de investigação
International and EU migration & asylum law, responsibility to protect